“The Barbershop“ is based on a true story. Baltimore born Kasey Jones spent most of his life in the EU. Following the passing of his grandparents he must return to Baltimore to settle their affairs. Traveling with his best friend Stephan they embark on a journey to quickly handle Kasey’s family business and hopefully enjoy some holiday time. However, upon arriving it quickly becomes clear that everything is not what Kasey expected. Through his journey he will experience great disappointment, sadness, danger, love, determination, loss and a palatable appreciation for the great city of Baltimore.
The main theme is community in relationship to neighborhoods, history, culture, legacy and socioeconomics. The main character Kasey Jones touches on each of these themes throughout his journey.
Our character is seen in his daily life abroad until it is disrupted by the bad news of his grandparents passing. He uproots himself to address the estate issues. He is a fish out of water in a new environment where he encounters a variety of people, challenges, danger and conflicts.
With the Will putting new responsibilities upon him, he has to decide whether he will stay or go. Leaning towards the latter, a new friend teaches him more about the place he was born and the neighborhood his grandparents lived. This new knowledge and the budding relationship becomes influential in his final decision stay, conquer his fears and rebuild the barbershop thus honoring his grandparents legacy as well as starting a chain reaction of urban renewal projects in his neighborhood.
“The Barbershop“ is set in the Collington Square Park area of Broadway East, an inner city area of Baltimore. Taking place in 2018.
Main Characters
Kasey Jones – Lead
Julia Hollingsworth – Supporting Lead, Love Interest
Stephan Wolfe – Supporting Lead, Best friend